Wednesday, April 10, 2013

wait on HIM

But those who wait on the Lord
Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint."
Isaiah 40:31

Sometimes we want God to move and work NOW! We have a way we think God will work and move. We think God is going to do things the way our human minds think that He will. Most times, what we think will happen doesn't  and other things do. Sometimes, God doesn't deliver immediate results and we feel like things will never go the way we want them to. Some times we need to wait on the Lord! like the verse above says! The verse above is very encouraging, because at times when we are waiting, God is renewing our strength, he is mounting us up like eagles! It says we shall run and not grow weary and walk and not faint! Going through things can be hard, and when prayers just don't seem to be answered in a time when we think they should be, waiting can be hard! Those are the times when God promises to renew our strength  to mount us up like eagles, that we will not grow weary or tired, and we shall not faint/fail. God's promises are always there for us, and we need to trust God and what He is doing more than any plan that WE may have in place for ourselves. 
We have been in many waiting places. A lot of the times we didn't know what to do, or how God was going to use certain experiences or certain hard times. We didn't at times see how the trials would work out to being anything good... But then God! Now we see what God was doing, where God was leading, and what He had in place for our lives! Now that we are seeing more of HIS plan we see how God lined everything up to get us to where we  are right now! We are right in the middle of His plan and His will, and we are blessed to know that what we went through wasn't in vain, but will be used for HIS glory! Don't worry, just wait on the Lord, and HE WILL renew your strength and get you through! The word says, "Don't be anxious about anything, but through prayer and supplication, bring your requests to God!" 

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