Monday, April 22, 2013

    Turn my eyes from worthless things,
      and give me life through your word.*
    38 Reassure me of your promise,
      made to those who fear you.
Psalm 119:37-38

We get so fixed on things of little to no value in life. When real issues come up we end up freaking out because it is REAL. The word above says to turn our eyes from worthless things. That is something we all need to learn to do. The things that are worth  nothing that keep our attention keeps us from the things that really need our attention. The things of no worth take life from us and sometimes can lead to death: spiritually or sometimes physically. We get life through the word of God! God is the only one who can give us true life, and true meaning to our lives. We need to stop focusing on the things that don't matter and think about the things that really do: eternal things matter! Are you too focused on the little things that are worth NO value and don't put enough focus on God and His will and His word? do you need to readjust your focus and look to God for help in times of trouble? 
I added verse 38 because God has some amazing promises in His word for those who love, fear and obey Him! I encourage you to look through the Bible and find those promises. Remember those things and hide them in your heart! God loves us and wants good things for us. Sometimes we just have to get through the storm to get to the calm on the other side. Maybe we just need to refocus and get our attention on HIM again! What ever it may be, God is there waiting! I want to leave you with a verse! 

"8 And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise."
Phil 4:8

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