Monday, July 1, 2013

walk/live by faith and not by sight

Today I was reminded of two verses. Two great verses. I really believe that God is  beginning to do some great things, and wants to use people. He wants to take those who will walk in faith and use them to reach people for Him. I was reminded of two verses on faith today. "we walk by faith and not by sight" and "Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see." Both great verses on faith. Today I was reminded that doing things for God and being used has nothing about who we are but what how far and how long we are willing to walk in obedience to God. It is determined by how much faith we are willing to extend. Faith is a huge part of our lives. To do anything for God and be willing to be used we first have to take the things that God has told us and showed us and never let go of those things. It is taking the things that God has said and not looking at the natural which says "can YOU do that?" and look to the God who said "in my name you will do this for me!" and know it and believe it and walk in it even when the natural and the actual circumstances look so doubting. Put that trust in God and His plan for your life, don't look to the left or the right and walk with Him and He will make these things come to pass. We have such a heart to help people all over the world, and preach and teach them the good news of God, and there were times where we had no idea how that would happen, and at times, it was hard to keep those things in view when the world was trying to push them far out of reach, but standing in faith and just pressing forward we are now starting to see these things come to pass. We are starting to see God move in amazing ways through us. We are excited and know that we have come through a lot to get us where we are right now. God has been faithful through it all and He has never failed us! So I want to encourage you to keep the faith! Keep walking in faith and don't look at the circumstances, issues, what others say, or anything else. Look to God and what he has spoken to you. Trust HIM over everything and everyone else! 

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