Monday, December 16, 2013

Blessed weekend

I had a great ministry weekend. There were things that went completely wrong, but the things that happened at church, the people I was finally able to meet, talk with and get to know...all the great things def overshadow the not so great things...

Our car... it has been causing grief lately, to say the least. We had received tickets from my husband's work to go and have breakfast with Santa! We did not tell the kids where we were going, because when you have 6 young kids, you don't want an excitement freak out... So we did not tell them, we piled in the car and backed out of driveway, then put into drive and then the car stalled... We tried restarting it, and NOTHING! We piled back out of the vehicle, kids inside, upset not to go anywhere, and we pushed that HEAVY car out of road. So that kinda spoiled our plans. The rest of the weekend was filled with trying to find rides for our ENTIRE family to church and then for me and my husband to multiple things as well since ministry is a HUGE part of our weekend. I have to say that we have amazing people in our lives who we love and who have been by us to help us out! We were able to get rides where ever we needed for all of us. I LOVE these people (they know who they are!) and I am so blessed by their willingness to help us! but all this is sooo little. After it happened, we were annoyed and still had things to go to this weekend. People helped and even though at first we could have easily stayed home to "rest" and probably pout a bit about the circumstances, we went, and I am sooo glad that we did. We had fellow ministers in town and they just blessed us. It was awesome being able to sit with them and talk (through an amazing interpreter!!!) and get to know them, have them get to know us, share our Christmas with them, and just enjoy each other! The people in town were from Colombia and they are truly some amazing people! It was fun and just a blessed time! Then Sunday we had an amazing service. The preacher from Colombia spoke and it was a great sermon of Closing certain doors in our life so that God can open the windows of heaven!!! We were blessed to have him speak. Then being able to spend the afternoon with their family and with the interpreter and family. And just again getting to know each other deeper, was a blessing. My husband had already had the chance to meet them when he went to Colombia earlier this year. This was my first time meeting them in person and I love it. I love meeting people from all over the world, and being able to get to know them as people, as ministry partners, and as friends. For me it was amazing. I already love these people and pray that someday I too can go to Colombia and see where they are from, and experience their culture and meet the fellow Christians , my brothers and sisters in Christ! This is truly awesome to be able to do! I love ministry and getting to know people from all over the world. It has always been a desire to travel and share God's love, and I know that someday it will come to pass. I am excited about what God has in store. Sometimes we just need to push through to get to where God wants us!
So to say the least, we had some "issues" of life come up this weekend, but I know that I am truly blessed and that God will always take care of me and my family! I am excited to see what will happen and what God will continue to do. It was a blessed weekend! I am blessed to know some amazing people, and I am blessed to have an amazing God!!

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