Wednesday, March 25, 2015


I have been thinking about expectations concerning mans expectations of God, who he is, maybe how he should work.  The story of peter is a great picture of this. He went from being a disciple, to denying Jesus  when Jesus  was being taken away to death, to being a powerful preacher. My friend's blog explained this nicely. He expected what this short video (link at bottom) showed and then once those expectations were squished he denied Jesus. But then learned what Jesus was all about when he raised from death and Peter became an amazing preach who reach so many for Christ. So my question is where are you today? What are your expectations of God? Do you feel he's "letting you down" Bc he's not doing the things you think He should do  in your time? Are you expecting him to do things and work in your time frame when he came and died and said himself "it is finished ". He did the job and yes, don't get me wrong I know he can do miracles,I know he can and wants to but are we putting him in our box of time and if he doesn't work, that's it... We are done and like Peter decide to deny him or go on doing our own thing instead? As we can see from the Bible Jesus works in his time and in ways that normally man doesn't think he will or that maybe man can't understand. Man thought the messiah to be some one to save them from the political powers of the day when Jesus wants to save us in a deeper way. He wants to save our hearts, our souls, our eternal selves. It goes deeper than our day to day life. With Jesus He looks at the heart of man and he wants to save him in a deeper way than just this life. Yes God provides, yes God can heal, but how do you react when it seems like he isn't listening? Do you automatically turn your back on him and try to run toward something else or do you keep running to Him even when life is super hard? I knowi am not perfect and I have done this. We all expect things and we all think and pray things and then when things don't happen we get discouraged or down and that is , my friend, called humanity! We are all human! We all feel lonely. We all feel lost at times. We all feel like no one is listening or sees just what you are going through, but God still does. He still cares. He will still be there! He already saved your most precious, valuable thing: your soul/heart! He finds that the most precious thing in existence. Value that gift! Never take that for granted and know that He is still there.

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