Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Fear of disappointing!

I struggle with a fear. And it manifests it self in many different areas of my life. I think maybe some of you can relate especially if a woman. But I struggle with the fear of disappointing people. Can any of you relate? It isn't easy living life like this and at some point you have to realize that, yes, you are only human and yes you can't make everyone happy. You will disappoint people for various reasons. You can not do it all and sometimes you have to say no. Or sometimes you have to put yourself first. Sometimes you need to recharge. Sometimes your kids need you and sometimes you just need to get alone before God and just be. Life isn't always easy and sometimes others make it hard to. But all we can do is our best in this life. People get upset about little things but sometimes doing what you can is enough. Sometimes killing yourself to make others happy isn't the answer. Priorities need to be set and sometimes it's ok to just say no to something. Sometimes we need to realign life and realign our priorities to match what God is trying to do in our lives. And sometimes we just need to let God do some work and be still before Him! We as woman want to be stubborn and we want to be able to do it all and make everyone around us happy but that isn't always going to work. We are only human and can only do so much. Stop trying to please everyone and start thinking of the one we truly have to please in this life: God! 
I found this pic and I loved it. Lol just something funny for the day ;) have a good day and be blessed!

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