Monday, June 17, 2013

Happy Birthday baby!

Two years ago... It was two years ago that our last little one was born. I had no idea that I needed her as much as I did. I was happy to have another girl. 4 Boys and 2 Girls was the final count. Zoe made Mira a big sister and all the boys had another sister to gush over. We decided to name our second and last little girl Zoe Faith which meant to us: life of faith. She was the beautiful end to our family. She being the blonde curly haired little girl, and such a sweet little baby. She has and always brings so much joy to people! She always did that for me as well. She was the final baby and I treated her as that. lol. She is my baby and will always be my baby. The youngest of 6, everyone has always gushed over her. Her life has brought joy in some hard and difficult times. She will never know the impact her life made on me and my life. Her life pushed me through life in faith at some of the hardest times. She was born into our family at a hard time, but she was the life that brought joy at the hard times. I love all my kids, and each one holds a special place in my heart. Zoe's life is the same. She holds a special place in our hearts. Someday I will share the entire story, but till then..... Happy birthday to my baby, who isn't a baby any more! Love you Zoe Faith. I pray that your life will be full of faith in God, and faith in the impossible that He can do!

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