Friday, June 28, 2013


I have been MIA. I know and I am sorry. :( I have been really busy with the kids. As you all know because I mentioned it before, The hubby went on a preaching trip to two different countries. It has been a really good trip for him. He first went to Venezuela and preached at a national youth conference. It went really well and God moved in an awesome way. The hubby said that people were crying and really getting in touch with the presence of God. God used him, and he obeyed what God told him and people were blessed. Now he is in Colombia and finishing a pastors conference there. At both events he spoke a few times. It is awesome how God chooses to use people to reach other people.
he is really excited for the day where he will be doing this full time. We both know that God has a great plan for our lives. God has a great plan for everyone's life, we just have to be willing to step out and follow God and HIS plan for our lives.
So I have been just super busy with the kids with daddy gone. They have been pretty good, but they do get a bit testy every so often. Today I spend the day reorganizing our home and changing rooms up and CLEANING!!!
So i have to get done with my cleaning. The hubby comes home tomorrow night. I am excited to see him and hug him! I have missed him, but I am so excited that he was able to go on this trip. I am really excited for what God is going to do and start doing!!!
So i will write more later. night all. for now. I will update later after I have talked to the hubby and heard how everything went.

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