Monday, June 10, 2013

I haven't been around this weekend. It was a busy but good weekend. It was really neat actually. As a minister there are things that you can do that some others cant. One of those things is being able to officiate weddings. Through Facebook, i saw a friend from high school ask if anyone knew of someone who could officiate her wedding. I told her my husband can. After that she contacted me and asked if he would be available, and it worked out great because it was right before the ministry trip coming up so he was available. Well this weekend was the wedding. It was really neat being there and being apart of their day. I love weddings and just the picture it represents to me and to other Christians. It is a covenant to stay together through the good and bad, through the hard and easy, through it all. But it is also more than that. It is a picture of the relationship between Christ and the church and how it should be.. It is a picture of unending love, and faithfulness. In our human mind it can be hard to really understand since we are imperfect being and we have a tendency to lie, or cheat or be more interested in our own selfishness, than to be concerned with being selfless.... God's love shows a selfless love.
Through the ten years of being married we have definitely learned a lot. I am pretty certain that going into I had no idea what marriage truly was, and that I really had this fairy tale dream about it like most do. Well, when that fairy tale ends and your facing the storms that hit, you better know that there is more to marriage than the lovey dovey feelings... You vowed to God that through the good and bad you wont give up. It is a SACRED covenant. Most people don't see marriage as that and when life hits they want to run, but my husband and I remembered that covenant through the hard and decided not to give up. Now, we are stronger than ever and we now truly know what marriage is all about. It is about not giving up on each other, it is about showing Gods love even when you don't feel like it, it is about showing the world a different kind of relationship where God's interests are greater than our own. It is also about showing Gods love through our relationship. I have learned a lot and know that through it, God take what we learned and have us help others who are in that same spot as us or to help those so they wont go through some of the things we have. I am excited to see what God has for me and my husband. God has done an amazing work in us and in our marriage. I am so blessed to have him! He is an amazing man of God and I know that we are just starting to see what God's plans are. We are not perfect, but God uses those imperfection in us and turns them around for His glory and to win people to Himself. This year is 10 years of marriage for me and my hubby and we look forward to many more amazing years together serving the God who saved us and gave His life to us! We are excited to be able to serve Him with all that we are and give our lives back to Him! Our relationship and marriage is nothing without God in the middle. My advice is this: Keep God first in every area of your life ESPECIALLY your marriage!!! Get a firm foundation in Christ first and keep your focus on Him!!! When we focus on God all other areas line up to Gods plan and will! It is when we take our eyes off of Him and His will that we start to fall and get off track in other areas.

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