Saturday, March 23, 2013

couple things....

I have to quickly stop my cleaning and write something. I have to say, I do my best thinking and praying when I am cleaning lol. So I was thinking....
I think that many churches just don't do it the way they should. lol OK, now let me explain... I didn't say all, but some. We were with a denomination before we went non-denomination. We were taught many different techniques, and methods on how to grow a church. We were taught if you do A then add B and then do a bit of C that you would = growth.... Well, I think many people learn these methods or different new techniques that come up and try them and then they fail, the church doesn't grow, the pastor is discouraged and then, they hit the next "church fad" that comes up and try it and so on.... I have to say, that I am pretty sure we have tried this when we were younger and some can be helpful in different ways, but honestly nothing is going to grow the church unless GOD IS THERE! Unless God is SHOWING UP AND MAKING HIS PRESENCE KNOWING! and we as the church ARE ALLOWING HIM TO COME AND HAVE HIS WAY AND CHANGE US! We don't need the newest thing that every church is trying, we need to do what God has called each of us to do! We all have different skills, talents, gifts.... He wants you to use them, but to rely on Him. We need to love the people, teach them God's word, and let the Holy Spirit move in our services. As pastors we need to lead and love the people. We are to love the people how Christ loves the church. Methods come and go, but Gods power lasts!!! Seek God in your churches! Seek His presence in your services! Do what HE has called YOU to do and He will grow His church. RELY ON HIM!!!!

On a side note. I had a great night last night spending time with our pastor and his wife. He is just a great man, has so much wisdom, and great stories! His wife is amazing too! We love them both so much! It is great just to sit and learn and absorb from them! They have been in ministry a long time and have great knowledge. God has been with them and led them through many hard times, and they never once left their call! I have so much love and respect for these two people. I loved that we ended the night in prayer and that God would just move in a new way. I know that my life has been blessed by these two people! I am excited to see what God has for us, and where God is leading us! I know that the wisdom that we gain in this time will help shape us in many ways! Glory be to God! He knows what and who we need in our lives and then provides it! I have personally been praying for this kind of relationship in my life personally and I am so blessed to have found it in these two people! They are our spiritual parents and just a blessing to us!!!

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