Friday, March 15, 2013

walking or sinking.....

We are going over "if you want to walk on water, you've got to get out of the Boat". It is a great book and suggest it to everyone. Going through the lessons of it is really good too. It makes you think about what areas you need to trust God more, and how to "get out of the boat" or our of your comfort zone and truly trust God!
If you think about the story, and what is happening, it can speak volumes about life. What happened here?
Well, Jesus sent the disciples in the boat across the water. A big storm comes up and Jesus walks on the water  to the boat. Peters says "Lord if that is you, let me walk on the water to you". Jesus says come! He gets onto the water and walks some, then looks at the waves and sees the storm, and starts to sink. Jesus pulls him back up and they both get into the boat.
Why is this amazing? Is he a failure? Some would say, yeah, Peter failed. He took His eyes off Jesus and sank! I have to say no. I don't think that Peter was a failure. I think that he took a step of faith and learned through some circumstances. He got out of the boat! He walked on the water! and when He started to sink, He looked to Jesus to help him back up! Sometimes when we head down a road a failure or of sin, we keep down that trail. We think we are too far gone, and nothing can get us back on track. Well, God can pull us out of any situation that we find our self in! He can save us and pull us out of that pit! It is only God who can do this at times, but we have to turn to Him and let Him! Peter did this! He experienced walking on the water! amazing! and He is the only one who can say that. Even though he sank, he learned a valuable lesson of trusting Jesus and NOT taking our eyes off of HIM!!! It was when Peter took his eyes of Jesus that He sank! WOW that is an amazing thought! NEVER take your eyes off of God and let something else take your attention! That is when you sink! That is when you can get your self into trouble! It is when we have our eyes fixed on HIM that we can get out of the boat and walk on water when Jesus bids us to come to him! I choose to keep my eyes fixed on HIM! Things may come up, struggles may come, satan may throw things at me, but I choose to keep my attention and eyes on GOD!!! No matter what happens in this life, I know that my hope is not here in this world, it is in GOD and what He has for eternity. Only the things done for eternity will last, everything else will fade away! NEVER take your eyes off of HIM! This story hits home, I have been there, I found myself sinking, because I took my eyes off of HIM! but when I turned my attention and my all back over to HIM I rose out of that pit, I rose out of that stormy sea and I found myself walking on the water with God again!

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