Thursday, March 14, 2013

Give it up!!!

I have to say, that I have been really focusing on God and just trying to line up my entire life to His word, His will, and how He would have me live. I think that bringing God into every area of life is important because that is where He wants to be: first! And when God is first in our lives, we let Him take control over every area of our lives! When we are second, our will becomes secondary to His will! We need to bring Him into every area! There has always been an area that I have struggled with, and I think many do. It is an area you wouldn't normally think that you have to give it to God, but it is a huge area, and if misused can hurt and harm more than do good. It is eating. I have never really given it to God, and this is an area that I struggle with on a daily basis. It is an area that we definitely need to bring God into it! I have struggled through this issue and I know that It is important to give it to HIM! This goes for any area that you might find your self struggling with. It is when we give it to God and let Him take it that we will find victory over it! There are many things that can take control of us in our lives and for me, food has been it. It is something that we need but something that if misused can consume you. I have decided to give it to God and just like any other struggle it might not be easy, but I need to keep on giving it to him and realize the purpose for it! It is for health and nutrition! We need the good healthy things in life to keep our temples clean and up and running, but the bad things that we put in it can pollute it and make it not work right! So here is to giving our struggles to HIM! Whatever it may be!!!!!  The verse that comes to mind is that our bodies are a temple of God. How are we treating God's house (our bodies)? are we polluting the house, and hording the bad things and not leaving room for God. Or are we putting the good things in it so that we are clean and working right so that "we may live long in the land the Lord has given us"?
What struggles are you facing?
have you given it to God?
Are there some verses that you can find to get you through your situation/circumstances?
Think about your life, is there any area that you are putting above God?

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