Friday, August 30, 2013

We live for HIM!!!

Romans 14:7 "For none of us lives for ourselves alone, and none of us dies for ourselves alone. If we live, we live for the Lord; and if we die, we die for the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord. For this very reason, Christ died and returned to life so that he might be the Lord of both the dead and the living."

I was reading in Romans 14 about how we need to accept those who are at different places in their faith. I think this is KEY and I think it is something that needs to be hit on, but then I got to these verses and really these verses are verses that I try to remember, (not really knowing where it was from specifically in the Bible, but that I know that this life is not my own, but I live for Him).  
So for today I am going to focus on the verses above. Some days, I have to remind myself this often. Some days seem to drag on, and be one frustration after another. Being a mom I have different frustrations than others, mine dont seem to be that MAJOR.... but to me they are frustrations that can be hard to get through. Sometimes I just don't handle them well. Yesterday my husband saw that. I wont get into the frustration itself because thinking about it, it is not a huge thing, but it has been an ongoing frustration in my life for a little while now. But in reality that little thing that frustrates is nothing compared to eternity. We don't live this life for ourselves. We live for God. Our lives don't belong to us, but they belong to Him. One day we will not be here on this earth any more, and we will stand face to face before God. Then, those little things that seemed so HUGE before will be nothing! We always need to remember that there is something MORE. There is something that we are living for, and that is an eternity with God. We There is a saying that we cant be too heavenly minded that we are no earthly good, well, I also want to flip that... We cant be too earthly minded that we are no heavenly good. We cannot be always focusing on earth and everything here, because that can consume us and take over and then we are no "heavenly good". We want to always have a mindset that we are looking forward to what God has for us and that we are living a life that will cause others to want it and want to come with us in the end!! We need to show that we live a life that shows that we belong to Him and that we are living for Him. 
When the stresses of life come at you full force, stop... and just think.... You are living for something more, something GREATER than this life you see and this world that you see! You live a life for HIM!!! When you are tempted to sin, and do something you know you shouldn't, STOP, think... God is always watching and EVERYTHING that we do on this earth has an effect. You are not living for yourself and your own self gratification. You are living for GOD! There is nothing on this earth that can compare to living for Him. The world will lie to you and offer you all the worldly things that look fun and exciting, but in the end you end up empty and void! Keep living for HIM and seeking to live a life pleasing to Him!!! Be blessed today! 

Monday, August 26, 2013

my rant... sorry....

So I want to talk about self respect, and dignity. The definition of dignity is "the state or quality of being worthy of honor or respect". The definition of self respect is "pride and confidence in oneself; a feeling that one is behaving with honor and dignity". With these definitions of these words in mind i want to ask the question, where has the self respect and dignity gone? 
I heard a lot about the VMA's and many watched them; I did not! I had no desire to watch them, and quite honestly I didn't know what it was until I Google it. Am I getting old maybe, but honestly with all the talk going on in the social networking world, it didn't sound like I missed much other than a total lack of dignity and self respect! The "act" of the night was between miley and NSYNC. For totally different reasons. Did I google it and see what all the craze was about? Yes I did. I watched the NSYNC performance and it brought me back to high school and they were the same boy band that I remember haha. Then I watched the Miley performance, and was in a bit of a shock! She looked like she was trying to "fit in" in a world that she jsut looked out of place in.... She was trying so hard to be this over the top, "sexy" and shocking singer. She didnt sound good, and I didnt hear much that was on pitch... her crude dancing and little to nothing clothes left me sad for a little girl that once was so talented and had it all. Honestly I wish I could tell her that once she isnt getting as much publicity this world that she knows will turn her back on her and find some other shocking person to take her place.... 
Watching this performance and a few others made me think about self respect and dignity and the TOTAL lack of  both in this culture and society. I am  not even really talking about modesty, but that can play into it. The action were horrible in my opinion and showed that lack of self respect and dignity. Some would say that if you can dress like that you have self respect, but that is total lie. If you dress and do those kind of things on stage in public, it shows that all you want to do is conform to this world and this "sex" industry we call Hollywood and fame. Where does this get you? Well, lately I have seen so many talented young actors/actresses take their own lives. Why? because they have an idea that they have to fit in and do what everyone else is doing to stand out and be chosen for specific rolls. I am here to tell  you that you don't have to lose your self respect and dignity to stand out and get what you want out of life  there is a better way! One where you don't have to choose morals or a job! It is sad to see where the industry has gone, and just how many get eaten alive by it!! Please for the sake of the next generation coming up, don't get eaten up and lose all self respect and dignity. You are worthy of respect and honor and not for the crude dances you do or the filthy songs you sing. You are worth respect but doing those things wont get you true respect or true honor. Show off your God given talents without sacrificing your self respect and dignity on the alter of fame. Many tried and have lost the fight because no matter what you do they want more and more! That doesn't lead to happiness, that leads to self destruction! and honestly if you have teens talk to them about this! If you have girls talk to them about this. Because it effect the teens lives. They see this and think they have to be just like that to fit in! YOU DONT! You  have a worth past your body size and how good you can make it look, and how pretty people tell you you are. There is more in you that you have to offer. You have a brain, you are smart, you are beautiful INSIDE, and are caring and loving and that is worth far more!!!! Show love to others and you will feel the fulfillment and self worth multiply! You will see that there is more to this world that what you do to shock people and how skimpy you try to dress. Try and find true needs in this world and fulfill that need. Feed someone, clothe someone, give someone a drink,... whatever you can do to help that will ultimately effect more and have a bigger impact than the desire and drive to seek after fame! I am going to ask one thing, if you are a person of prayer, please pray for the young stars coming up that they wont fall into this same thing. Also pray for those who are in it and feel they have to compromise their dignity to fit in and be noticed in this world. Have pride in yourself and who God created you to be because that is beautiful!!!! Behave with dignity and honor on a daily basis! So please pray with me for these people who are so lost and sinking in this industry deeper and deeper! thank  you and be blessed today. Sorry for the rant, but I have girls getting older and I want them to always act in dignity and honor and know there is more to this life than what the world can offer! 

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

being real....

So I have to say... today I am a bit bummed. I am really missing my hubby who is on a business trip this week. This past weekend I didn't see him either because he went on a camping trip with one of our boys. They had a great time, but it only gave me about an hour or two to see him before he had to board a plane and go to another country for work. These kids of days can be hard on me. I am home alone with the kids and feeling alone isn't fun. Normally it is in these times that the enemy tries to attack and a week home with the kids turns into a fight for my thoughts. There are times I have to admit where I just have to fight off the enemy and his attacks against my thought life. It is times like this where I have to stay in the word, and reminding myself of certain verses to keep on track. Why am I admitting all this? Well, bc I am human. No one is perfect and we all fight something off. We all have different triggers and we all have different things that the enemy attacks us with. Second, because I don't know who might be going through something like this. I have learned that it can be a fight to keep your thoughts on what is pure and right and good. At times my mind wants to slip into a depressed kind of state, (I have faced depression in a very real way before) and I don't want to slip into that. So to know what we have to look for and to know what we need to fight against in our lives is key to overcoming things sometimes. You need to know what things satan might throw at you because he knows what things can pull you slowly away! Keep an eye on those things and fight the enemy. Don't let him take you down and out because that is what he WANTS to do. During those times where you know you are getting down, or something is going on inside turn to the word and truly envelope yourself in the things of God and HIS words! Your thoughts and emotions were put in us for a reason, but they can also be something that hinders our walk with God if we listen to those "emotions' or feelings and not to God and His words over your life! Run to God in these times don't get down and out! God has a plan and purpose and He is clear that he will help us through the struggles of life. If anyone is facing things like this or maybe you are and don' even know what to do or where to turn in the bible, please look me up. I will be happy to give you verses that encourage me and help me get past thoughts and focusing on what God has for my life! Be blessed today!!! God loves you and so do I! You can get through the times you feel down. God wants to take you out of this and into victory.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Speaking of purpose and vision.....

I want to put this quote up because I feel it really goes well with what I have been writing about the past couple days. I want to ask you today as I write this morning, "what were you born to do?" I know that God put us here on this earth not to try and just get through this life to get to what is to come, but God put us here with purpose. He has a purpose and a plan for each of us! He has a God given purpose of what to do while on this earth. What were you born to do? The thing is, only you and God can answer that. If you don't know, start seeking after God and ask Him what He placed you on this earth to do. A lot of times it has to do with what you have a passion for, those talents that God has placed inside of you, those skills that He has given you. The Bible say "seek and you will find", "ask and it shall be given". The word also says that God will give wisdom to those who ask. If you want to know what you are here on this earth for, start asking. God will answer! Then once you hear from Him, do not fear that call and that God given purpose that He has placed you here for. You were born with purpose and He has an amazing plan for your life, do not run from it but face it head on and do not fear it! God will give you the abilities and tools you need to accomplish those things that He has for you! If it seems to big for you, maybe it is by yourself, but "with God all things are possible!!" Take this quote to heart and run after what God has for you today.
Ok, sorry a bit short, but kids starting to wake up! Have a great day and start living this blessed life  with out fear and full of faith!!!!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

finding purpose in the NOW

After yesterdays post I was thinking about purpose and being fulfilled in this life. I was thinking about the things in this life that  one could do (which are a lot of different things). I was thinking about what would I feel fulfilled to do. I thought about the countless jobs I felt a lack of fulfillment with and just trying to get through to the next day. The only time I feel a sense of fulfillment in my life is when I am helping someone with an issue in their life as a mom, or their life in general or in their spiritual walk. I love helping people in these ways. I don't feel fulfilled when doing other things, but I love helping people. I think about when my kids will be all in school and what to do when I have them all in school. I have been thinking about jobs and what I can do when they are in school. I thought yesterday how I don't want just another job to fill up  my time, but how I want something that I will feel like I am making a difference in peoples lives and helping them get to the next level in their life. Helping them get through an issue that has come up, or helping them get closer to God. Now what can I do that would offer this? lol So that is what I am praying about now. That I will find something that will give me a sense of purpose and help people while I am not full time with my kiddos. I love people and just want to help someone, anyone, through whatever they might be going through.I have seen a lot and God has given me wisdom through the good and the bad, and I just want to share that with people. So this is just a follow up on what God is doing in me and my journey to finding purpose in the now. I am grateful that when we ask God, He answers! So That is my prayer now. How can I feel fulfilled and doing what God wants me to do while I am still a mom to growing little kids. I want to again end with the verse I did yesterday. It has been speaking to me and I love what it says.

Habakkuk 2:3

For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

purpose and vision.

So as I sat today holding my daughter and just thinking, I got to thinking about purpose and vision. It has been something I have been praying about lately and something that I have felt has been missing. I know some of my purpose and have some kind of vision for my life, but I honestly feel like it has just been stopped. Being a mom and wife is awesome. Yes, it has its ups and downs but it is something that is also needed when you have little children. Sometimes we have to sacrifice time to raise the kids and take care of the family so that your kids can grow and mature. I don't want to seem like this isn't an important thing for me to be doing, because it is! At times when you know you are called to do certain things and you are not, you feel almost purposeless... I don't want people to get me wrong and start lecturing me on my purpose is as a mom and wife etc, i know that.. but there is more that God has for my life and I feel that, and I feel that pull at times, and have no clue how to accomplish those things when I know I have to be home with the kids. It can be hard at times balancing those feeling inside of a longing to minister and do what God has called you to do but you are bound by your life's circumstances. The verse that comes to mind is "where there is no vision the people perish".  There are many times where I feel this. I have a final vision, but my vision for the NOW is lost in busyness with the kids, it is lost in my vision for what is to come that it is hard to see the vision that I should have for the right now! I have really been trying to pray lately about what God wants me to be learning right now, what vision He has for my right now where I am at, and how can I find and feel like I have purpose in the now. At times when we are not there yet, it can feel like it will never come but we have to have faith and trust God to reveal His timing and also to reveal His vision for us right now. What Does God want you to learn where you are at? I know there are probably many things God wants me to learn right now, and I really want to have a vision for the now so that I can get to that vision for the future. The verse below has really been a help to me. When I am waiting and not feeling very purposeful, I know that I can read that and know that God does have a plan for me and sometimes we have to wait for that appointed time. Is it easy waiting?? NO, not usually but God has a plan and when it finally comes together in the end, you will then truly understand the whys!!! Keep this verse below at hand when you are waiting. Also ask God for a fresh vision for the now so that you can keep going and pushing through those feelings. Dont live by feeling but live by Gods truth! This life of faith isn't always easy but when it finally comes together you will see just how truly blessed you are!!!

Habakkuk 2:3

For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Been busy.. I am sorry for not writing. I guess I will share today a bit about me as a person. I am a wife to a wonderful man , leader, teacher, preacher and everything in between. I have yet to find something he isn't good at. lol. TRUTH! I am sure there is something but why look at and focus on that when there are so many incredible traits that he does have. I help with whatever I can and in whatever area is needed. We are also ministry partners. We are both in the ministry and have a calling from God on our lives! I am also a mom of 6 little ones. They keep me very busy. This past  year we home-schooled which I have to say.... ISN'T as easy as people make it look!!! I struggled in this area the past year, which in turn made me struggle with my self and why I couldn't do it.... I have to say, that I give a lot of credit to moms who can home-school multiple kids, but for me it was very difficult. I have 3 in school and 3 not in school. And this year the older boys are in public school. It was my choice, and I feel they will make friends and be little lights for Christ in their school. I was not able to spend much time with the younger three this year because of the all day focus on schooling the older three. I am excited to be able to spend some quality time with the younger three who I think need it. So I am starting to get the three boys ready for school and trying to keep going through the summer with normal household things, and with extra things that come up. Being in ministry you never know what will come up. I have to say that I am blessed to have some wonderful help in my life that God has sent my way.... I am so grateful to these people. They help watch my kids if something comes up with the youth, and they help watch the kids if I have to have a prayer run.
Lately I have added something to my week and I am really enjoying it. I decided to try and get 3 runs in a week. I used to be very good at running distances and i really want to get back into it. It is something that I can do for me to keep me healthy and also to just unwind from the day. Weird way to unwind... I used to love to push myself and see just what I could do. I forgot that, but have really started to remember and do that! last night I did 4.11 miles. It hurt, but felt good at the same time.
This life is what we make of it... better yet, this life is what we let God make it be. Enjoy it and let God lead you always. We live a blessed life of  faith. God loves you and wants good for you! Now, you make sure to want and strive after good things for you too!!!
Be blessed