Friday, August 30, 2013

We live for HIM!!!

Romans 14:7 "For none of us lives for ourselves alone, and none of us dies for ourselves alone. If we live, we live for the Lord; and if we die, we die for the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord. For this very reason, Christ died and returned to life so that he might be the Lord of both the dead and the living."

I was reading in Romans 14 about how we need to accept those who are at different places in their faith. I think this is KEY and I think it is something that needs to be hit on, but then I got to these verses and really these verses are verses that I try to remember, (not really knowing where it was from specifically in the Bible, but that I know that this life is not my own, but I live for Him).  
So for today I am going to focus on the verses above. Some days, I have to remind myself this often. Some days seem to drag on, and be one frustration after another. Being a mom I have different frustrations than others, mine dont seem to be that MAJOR.... but to me they are frustrations that can be hard to get through. Sometimes I just don't handle them well. Yesterday my husband saw that. I wont get into the frustration itself because thinking about it, it is not a huge thing, but it has been an ongoing frustration in my life for a little while now. But in reality that little thing that frustrates is nothing compared to eternity. We don't live this life for ourselves. We live for God. Our lives don't belong to us, but they belong to Him. One day we will not be here on this earth any more, and we will stand face to face before God. Then, those little things that seemed so HUGE before will be nothing! We always need to remember that there is something MORE. There is something that we are living for, and that is an eternity with God. We There is a saying that we cant be too heavenly minded that we are no earthly good, well, I also want to flip that... We cant be too earthly minded that we are no heavenly good. We cannot be always focusing on earth and everything here, because that can consume us and take over and then we are no "heavenly good". We want to always have a mindset that we are looking forward to what God has for us and that we are living a life that will cause others to want it and want to come with us in the end!! We need to show that we live a life that shows that we belong to Him and that we are living for Him. 
When the stresses of life come at you full force, stop... and just think.... You are living for something more, something GREATER than this life you see and this world that you see! You live a life for HIM!!! When you are tempted to sin, and do something you know you shouldn't, STOP, think... God is always watching and EVERYTHING that we do on this earth has an effect. You are not living for yourself and your own self gratification. You are living for GOD! There is nothing on this earth that can compare to living for Him. The world will lie to you and offer you all the worldly things that look fun and exciting, but in the end you end up empty and void! Keep living for HIM and seeking to live a life pleasing to Him!!! Be blessed today! 

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