Monday, August 26, 2013

my rant... sorry....

So I want to talk about self respect, and dignity. The definition of dignity is "the state or quality of being worthy of honor or respect". The definition of self respect is "pride and confidence in oneself; a feeling that one is behaving with honor and dignity". With these definitions of these words in mind i want to ask the question, where has the self respect and dignity gone? 
I heard a lot about the VMA's and many watched them; I did not! I had no desire to watch them, and quite honestly I didn't know what it was until I Google it. Am I getting old maybe, but honestly with all the talk going on in the social networking world, it didn't sound like I missed much other than a total lack of dignity and self respect! The "act" of the night was between miley and NSYNC. For totally different reasons. Did I google it and see what all the craze was about? Yes I did. I watched the NSYNC performance and it brought me back to high school and they were the same boy band that I remember haha. Then I watched the Miley performance, and was in a bit of a shock! She looked like she was trying to "fit in" in a world that she jsut looked out of place in.... She was trying so hard to be this over the top, "sexy" and shocking singer. She didnt sound good, and I didnt hear much that was on pitch... her crude dancing and little to nothing clothes left me sad for a little girl that once was so talented and had it all. Honestly I wish I could tell her that once she isnt getting as much publicity this world that she knows will turn her back on her and find some other shocking person to take her place.... 
Watching this performance and a few others made me think about self respect and dignity and the TOTAL lack of  both in this culture and society. I am  not even really talking about modesty, but that can play into it. The action were horrible in my opinion and showed that lack of self respect and dignity. Some would say that if you can dress like that you have self respect, but that is total lie. If you dress and do those kind of things on stage in public, it shows that all you want to do is conform to this world and this "sex" industry we call Hollywood and fame. Where does this get you? Well, lately I have seen so many talented young actors/actresses take their own lives. Why? because they have an idea that they have to fit in and do what everyone else is doing to stand out and be chosen for specific rolls. I am here to tell  you that you don't have to lose your self respect and dignity to stand out and get what you want out of life  there is a better way! One where you don't have to choose morals or a job! It is sad to see where the industry has gone, and just how many get eaten alive by it!! Please for the sake of the next generation coming up, don't get eaten up and lose all self respect and dignity. You are worthy of respect and honor and not for the crude dances you do or the filthy songs you sing. You are worth respect but doing those things wont get you true respect or true honor. Show off your God given talents without sacrificing your self respect and dignity on the alter of fame. Many tried and have lost the fight because no matter what you do they want more and more! That doesn't lead to happiness, that leads to self destruction! and honestly if you have teens talk to them about this! If you have girls talk to them about this. Because it effect the teens lives. They see this and think they have to be just like that to fit in! YOU DONT! You  have a worth past your body size and how good you can make it look, and how pretty people tell you you are. There is more in you that you have to offer. You have a brain, you are smart, you are beautiful INSIDE, and are caring and loving and that is worth far more!!!! Show love to others and you will feel the fulfillment and self worth multiply! You will see that there is more to this world that what you do to shock people and how skimpy you try to dress. Try and find true needs in this world and fulfill that need. Feed someone, clothe someone, give someone a drink,... whatever you can do to help that will ultimately effect more and have a bigger impact than the desire and drive to seek after fame! I am going to ask one thing, if you are a person of prayer, please pray for the young stars coming up that they wont fall into this same thing. Also pray for those who are in it and feel they have to compromise their dignity to fit in and be noticed in this world. Have pride in yourself and who God created you to be because that is beautiful!!!! Behave with dignity and honor on a daily basis! So please pray with me for these people who are so lost and sinking in this industry deeper and deeper! thank  you and be blessed today. Sorry for the rant, but I have girls getting older and I want them to always act in dignity and honor and know there is more to this life than what the world can offer! 

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