Thursday, August 15, 2013

finding purpose in the NOW

After yesterdays post I was thinking about purpose and being fulfilled in this life. I was thinking about the things in this life that  one could do (which are a lot of different things). I was thinking about what would I feel fulfilled to do. I thought about the countless jobs I felt a lack of fulfillment with and just trying to get through to the next day. The only time I feel a sense of fulfillment in my life is when I am helping someone with an issue in their life as a mom, or their life in general or in their spiritual walk. I love helping people in these ways. I don't feel fulfilled when doing other things, but I love helping people. I think about when my kids will be all in school and what to do when I have them all in school. I have been thinking about jobs and what I can do when they are in school. I thought yesterday how I don't want just another job to fill up  my time, but how I want something that I will feel like I am making a difference in peoples lives and helping them get to the next level in their life. Helping them get through an issue that has come up, or helping them get closer to God. Now what can I do that would offer this? lol So that is what I am praying about now. That I will find something that will give me a sense of purpose and help people while I am not full time with my kiddos. I love people and just want to help someone, anyone, through whatever they might be going through.I have seen a lot and God has given me wisdom through the good and the bad, and I just want to share that with people. So this is just a follow up on what God is doing in me and my journey to finding purpose in the now. I am grateful that when we ask God, He answers! So That is my prayer now. How can I feel fulfilled and doing what God wants me to do while I am still a mom to growing little kids. I want to again end with the verse I did yesterday. It has been speaking to me and I love what it says.

Habakkuk 2:3

For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.

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