Friday, August 16, 2013

Speaking of purpose and vision.....

I want to put this quote up because I feel it really goes well with what I have been writing about the past couple days. I want to ask you today as I write this morning, "what were you born to do?" I know that God put us here on this earth not to try and just get through this life to get to what is to come, but God put us here with purpose. He has a purpose and a plan for each of us! He has a God given purpose of what to do while on this earth. What were you born to do? The thing is, only you and God can answer that. If you don't know, start seeking after God and ask Him what He placed you on this earth to do. A lot of times it has to do with what you have a passion for, those talents that God has placed inside of you, those skills that He has given you. The Bible say "seek and you will find", "ask and it shall be given". The word also says that God will give wisdom to those who ask. If you want to know what you are here on this earth for, start asking. God will answer! Then once you hear from Him, do not fear that call and that God given purpose that He has placed you here for. You were born with purpose and He has an amazing plan for your life, do not run from it but face it head on and do not fear it! God will give you the abilities and tools you need to accomplish those things that He has for you! If it seems to big for you, maybe it is by yourself, but "with God all things are possible!!" Take this quote to heart and run after what God has for you today.
Ok, sorry a bit short, but kids starting to wake up! Have a great day and start living this blessed life  with out fear and full of faith!!!!

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