Tuesday, August 20, 2013

being real....

So I have to say... today I am a bit bummed. I am really missing my hubby who is on a business trip this week. This past weekend I didn't see him either because he went on a camping trip with one of our boys. They had a great time, but it only gave me about an hour or two to see him before he had to board a plane and go to another country for work. These kids of days can be hard on me. I am home alone with the kids and feeling alone isn't fun. Normally it is in these times that the enemy tries to attack and a week home with the kids turns into a fight for my thoughts. There are times I have to admit where I just have to fight off the enemy and his attacks against my thought life. It is times like this where I have to stay in the word, and reminding myself of certain verses to keep on track. Why am I admitting all this? Well, bc I am human. No one is perfect and we all fight something off. We all have different triggers and we all have different things that the enemy attacks us with. Second, because I don't know who might be going through something like this. I have learned that it can be a fight to keep your thoughts on what is pure and right and good. At times my mind wants to slip into a depressed kind of state, (I have faced depression in a very real way before) and I don't want to slip into that. So to know what we have to look for and to know what we need to fight against in our lives is key to overcoming things sometimes. You need to know what things satan might throw at you because he knows what things can pull you slowly away! Keep an eye on those things and fight the enemy. Don't let him take you down and out because that is what he WANTS to do. During those times where you know you are getting down, or something is going on inside turn to the word and truly envelope yourself in the things of God and HIS words! Your thoughts and emotions were put in us for a reason, but they can also be something that hinders our walk with God if we listen to those "emotions' or feelings and not to God and His words over your life! Run to God in these times don't get down and out! God has a plan and purpose and He is clear that he will help us through the struggles of life. If anyone is facing things like this or maybe you are and don' even know what to do or where to turn in the bible, please look me up. I will be happy to give you verses that encourage me and help me get past thoughts and focusing on what God has for my life! Be blessed today!!! God loves you and so do I! You can get through the times you feel down. God wants to take you out of this and into victory.

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