Wednesday, August 14, 2013

purpose and vision.

So as I sat today holding my daughter and just thinking, I got to thinking about purpose and vision. It has been something I have been praying about lately and something that I have felt has been missing. I know some of my purpose and have some kind of vision for my life, but I honestly feel like it has just been stopped. Being a mom and wife is awesome. Yes, it has its ups and downs but it is something that is also needed when you have little children. Sometimes we have to sacrifice time to raise the kids and take care of the family so that your kids can grow and mature. I don't want to seem like this isn't an important thing for me to be doing, because it is! At times when you know you are called to do certain things and you are not, you feel almost purposeless... I don't want people to get me wrong and start lecturing me on my purpose is as a mom and wife etc, i know that.. but there is more that God has for my life and I feel that, and I feel that pull at times, and have no clue how to accomplish those things when I know I have to be home with the kids. It can be hard at times balancing those feeling inside of a longing to minister and do what God has called you to do but you are bound by your life's circumstances. The verse that comes to mind is "where there is no vision the people perish".  There are many times where I feel this. I have a final vision, but my vision for the NOW is lost in busyness with the kids, it is lost in my vision for what is to come that it is hard to see the vision that I should have for the right now! I have really been trying to pray lately about what God wants me to be learning right now, what vision He has for my right now where I am at, and how can I find and feel like I have purpose in the now. At times when we are not there yet, it can feel like it will never come but we have to have faith and trust God to reveal His timing and also to reveal His vision for us right now. What Does God want you to learn where you are at? I know there are probably many things God wants me to learn right now, and I really want to have a vision for the now so that I can get to that vision for the future. The verse below has really been a help to me. When I am waiting and not feeling very purposeful, I know that I can read that and know that God does have a plan for me and sometimes we have to wait for that appointed time. Is it easy waiting?? NO, not usually but God has a plan and when it finally comes together in the end, you will then truly understand the whys!!! Keep this verse below at hand when you are waiting. Also ask God for a fresh vision for the now so that you can keep going and pushing through those feelings. Dont live by feeling but live by Gods truth! This life of faith isn't always easy but when it finally comes together you will see just how truly blessed you are!!!

Habakkuk 2:3

For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.

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