Friday, August 2, 2013

Been busy.. I am sorry for not writing. I guess I will share today a bit about me as a person. I am a wife to a wonderful man , leader, teacher, preacher and everything in between. I have yet to find something he isn't good at. lol. TRUTH! I am sure there is something but why look at and focus on that when there are so many incredible traits that he does have. I help with whatever I can and in whatever area is needed. We are also ministry partners. We are both in the ministry and have a calling from God on our lives! I am also a mom of 6 little ones. They keep me very busy. This past  year we home-schooled which I have to say.... ISN'T as easy as people make it look!!! I struggled in this area the past year, which in turn made me struggle with my self and why I couldn't do it.... I have to say, that I give a lot of credit to moms who can home-school multiple kids, but for me it was very difficult. I have 3 in school and 3 not in school. And this year the older boys are in public school. It was my choice, and I feel they will make friends and be little lights for Christ in their school. I was not able to spend much time with the younger three this year because of the all day focus on schooling the older three. I am excited to be able to spend some quality time with the younger three who I think need it. So I am starting to get the three boys ready for school and trying to keep going through the summer with normal household things, and with extra things that come up. Being in ministry you never know what will come up. I have to say that I am blessed to have some wonderful help in my life that God has sent my way.... I am so grateful to these people. They help watch my kids if something comes up with the youth, and they help watch the kids if I have to have a prayer run.
Lately I have added something to my week and I am really enjoying it. I decided to try and get 3 runs in a week. I used to be very good at running distances and i really want to get back into it. It is something that I can do for me to keep me healthy and also to just unwind from the day. Weird way to unwind... I used to love to push myself and see just what I could do. I forgot that, but have really started to remember and do that! last night I did 4.11 miles. It hurt, but felt good at the same time.
This life is what we make of it... better yet, this life is what we let God make it be. Enjoy it and let God lead you always. We live a blessed life of  faith. God loves you and wants good for you! Now, you make sure to want and strive after good things for you too!!!
Be blessed

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