Wednesday, May 29, 2013

MIA and foundations

So I have not been writing the past few days. Sorry bout that. We went away for a little vacation to visit family and go to a few places we love. It was a busy but good time away. It was my hubby and second son's birthday while we were gone too. The hubby has wanted to go to see the bruins playoff game and since we were in area he did that on his birthday with his dad. They had a great time! Then for my son's birthday we took 8 of us to see the red sox game. The kids had a great time and really enjoyed it. For my fun day we went to RI, one of my favorite places. It was nice seeing our old college campus (they moved now to MA) which is where my husband and I met. We took a pic by the old sign. Then we were driving and the hubby called friends of ours that we haven't seen probably since we left school. They have 4 kids and all the kids had fun playing together. Then we went to an old park that my hubby and I used to go to and showed the kids the boats and water and let them all run around! It was nice being there and reminiscing of some really good times and times of growth while we lived in RI.
So I wanted to really just talk about foundations. As we sat with our friends (who also are in ministry) about what has been going on over the years since being out of college, it got me thinking after wards....
Honestly, there is nothing that will totally prepare you for everything that you will face when in ministry. When leaving RI the other day, it really just hit me that I am so grateful for the foundations that I have had in my life. I was raised in a Christian home, going to church and learning the word. At a young age I experienced the Holy Spirit and never questioned God because I knew He was real. He made Himself real to me at a very young age! I also have been personally healed by God and that helped to solidify my relationship with Him. It was at Bible school that we really went into hard core study and we gained biblical knowledge but also Spiritually it was a great place to grow because there was such a great emphasis on knowing God deeper and really building more on our Spiritual relationship with God. We should never settle for where we are in our relationship with God. There are so many depths to God. There are always more to know of God and continually going deeper with Him is the best place to be.
So even though nothing will ever fully prepare you for ministry and what could happen that strong foundation of learning and growing with God over the years has been key!!! I sincerely encourage you to keep digging deeper with God. Keep being teachable, stay in the word learning and spend that time with prayer. Those things will help build a strong foundation and when the storms of life come raging, that firm foundation on God is what will hold you!!!! So today I am thankful for my time at Zion and on the campus in Barrington, RI. It was part of that foundation that kept me strong when those storms of life hit!!!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

looking at the positive

So its been quit the day. Each day presents its own issues and blessings. Today I am blessed that I dont have to take a trip to the hospital. UGH. I'll explain....
With the heat the doors seem to be extra sticky. They don't want to open. So I was in kitchen and just doing work, and the kids run through the house and out the door... Pretty normal for us. But this time I also heard another sound. A CRASH. OYE! Caleb was running too fast and didn't get the door open in time and his hand went through the glass. Thankfully it wasn't too bad and he only had a couple of long but surface scratches... it could have been worse and if those long scratches were deeper it would have meant a hospital trip. Today I am just thankful that he is fine and no need to worry about it! Even though that could have turned everything upside down I am thankful that my kid is safe and no horrible injury occurred.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Spirit of truth!

John 16:13 "But when the Spirit of truth comes, he will lead you into all truth. He will not speak his own words, but he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is to come. 14 The Spirit of truth will bring glory to me, because he will take what I have to say and tell it to you."

This portion of scripture came to me yesterday while blogging. I guess this has been my prayer, that the Spirit would just lead me into all truth. It is saying that the Spirit, the Holy Spirit, leads us into all truth because He tells us what He hears from God the Father,and we know and can rest that what the Spirit has to say is truth because the Father is truth!!! 
At times it can be hard to just search for truth when life is coming at you full force, when life is in chaos, and when it seems like trial after trial keeps coming in this world. I have to tell you that searching for truth and searching for God is what will keep us grounded in a world full of chaos. When we are looking for truth, we are really looking for God because God is truth! The Spirit will lead us into all truth even in the midst of a storm. If you want to know truth start searching for God, the things of God and search for His heart! He will lead you into the truth, He will lead you where you are to go. All that the Spirit does and says gives glory to God since He is hearing from God. Start speaking to the Spirit and getting in tune with the Spirit. Since the Spirit is who leads us in truth and tells us what God has to come! 
I really liked this next verse below. It really spoke to me in a different way about the Spirit. 

1 Cor 2: 10-13 "The Spirit, not content to flit around on the surface, dives into the depths of God, and brings out what God planned all along. Who ever knows what you’re thinking and planning except you yourself? The same with God—except that he not only knows what he’s thinking, but he lets us in on it. God offers a full report on the gifts of life and salvation that he is giving us. We don’t have to rely on the world’s guesses and opinions. We didn't learn this by reading books or going to school; we learned it from God, who taught us person-to-person through Jesus, and we’re passing it on to you in the same firsthand, personal way."
I love the wording here. It says the Spirit dives into the depths of God. I have a very picture oriented mind and just the thought of that, and just the thought of seeing that in my mind excites me. It is amazing that God thinks things and then the Spirit dives into the depths of God and brings out those plans and then REVEALS them to us!!!! He lets us in on the plans that God has. He includes US in His plans. How amazing is that! The God of all the universe wants to include us into HIS plans. It is awesome to think. God has a plan and in that He has a plan for our lives! God will give us a report through the Spirit of the plans, gifts, talents and of the salvation that He has for us through Christ which are in the thoughts of God. We don't have to guess, and we don't have to rely on the world to show us what we ought to do while we are here on Earth, we can rely on the Spirit to show us because He brings out the plans and makes them known to us. God clearly lets us know what He is doing! God taught us these things through Christ,  and now we have that gift of passing on what God has for everyone! 
I love when God shows us new things in His word. I really want to to know God and the Spirit more in depth, and I really want to be led into all truth. The only way to be led into truth is to lean on God and let the Spirit speak. The Spirit has complete access to God, it says above that He dives into the depths of God and then shows us what God has in store! I am excited to see all that God has, and I know that it is good.
Even though from time to time the storms of life rage around us, we still have a hope and know that our future is bright because of what God has done and because of what He wants to do and accomplish in our lives and through our lives.... Isn't God amazing! 
I encourage you to seek Him, seek the Spirit to lead you into truth. He dives into the depth of God so that He can reveal to us what God has planned. Remember God has planned good things for your life, and wants to show God's love through your life! Allow yourself to be led into truth and be used by Him! I also encourage you to let God speak through His word to you!!
Be blessed today!

Monday, May 20, 2013

an aspect on living a faith filled life.

I teach a Children's church class at my church, and we normally go off onto many tangents. The kids are very inquisitive at the age I teach and they are trying to understand the ways of God in their own way and understanding. They ask many interesting questions, and I have quite the job of trying to explain this in a way they will grasp. That isn't always easy!!! I enjoy sharing my knowledge of God, it is just hard bringing some of these concepts down to their level. I try my best and if they don't understand, they are very good about asking more questions :) Yesterday we got into some good stuff though. They were asking about forgiveness and if God would forgive us even if we meant to do something wrong, and if it was an accident. So we really got into holiness in the end. I don't know how we got from the wise and foolish builder to holiness and living a holy life but we did, and they were listening. I really think they took it all in. I really pray that as I try and answer their questions that they will learn and retain all that I teach them and that the Lord speaks to them through the teaching.
It got me thinking though. Being a minister and have been around a  little while at least, you don't hear to much preached on holiness. Why is that? I hear it preached here and there, but we hear Christ and salvation through Christ and we hear that God gives us grace but where is our part in the whole thing...? Yes, we have to choose Him, and then tell the world about God and His love, but what about everything in the middle. We all mess up, no one is perfect and yes there is grace when we mess up, but we need to turn from the sin and try our best to stay away from it. I know I am not perfect and I am not condemning anyone. This is just one area that God has laid on my heart and that I know in my life I just need to stay away from things and keep my thoughts on Him. I don't want to sin in my thoughts or actions. I also have a tendency of looking and relying on others before God, which I am working on and trying to keep my mind focused on Him. It is a process and God is still working on me in areas too. Even as ministers God needs to work things out. (side note: Don't think that your pastor/pastors are perfect and have it all together 24/7 because we get hit just as hard if not harder than others. The enemy wants to take us out just as he wants to take every other person living for God out. My husband has a book in the works (which I think he needs to get working on again because its a great book that I think will help many and he is just an amazing writer as well! (shout out to my hubby! Love you HUNNY!!!)) which talks about this, but God is still working on us and we try our best to live a godly life and follow what God is telling us to do.) That is what this life is all about: following after God and obedience to Him! But salvation has more to it than just accepting God, its asking for forgiveness and turning from sin.
I know that sometimes the subject of holiness is taken too far, and that is not good either because that takes away from Gods gift of grace. We need a balance of our Christian walk. We all mess up and we all need God's grace but I see that at times when the whole messages of God isn't communicated fully that we can see grace as an excuse to sin. So Yes, we all need God's love and grace and mercy, but on the other side we all need to know that God does want us to live a holy life. Apart from God we cannot do this because we are imperfect beings, but with Gods help and when we involve God into every area and aspect of our life we can overcome many things and live a more holy life. I think that we need to get the idea that God wants us to take HIM into ALL areas of our lives. We need to live for God every day of the week, not just on Sundays. We need to make God apart of it all, and He will lead us into all truth and help us live a more holy life!!!! God's grace isn't an excuse to sin, it is a gift that is given but we still need to try and live according to God's word. Here is just one verse I wanted to share here.

1 Peter1:14 Be like children who obey. Do not desire to sin like you used to when you did not know any better. 15 Be holy in every part of your life. Be like the Holy One Who chose you. 16 The Holy Writings say, “You must be holy, for I am holy.”

Be blessed today as you go along your day. I pray that as you go through your day, you will take God with you. I pray you will keep in mind that God desires holiness and desires us to turn from sin, but also know that when we do mess up, HE IS THERE TO FORGIVE US AND TAKE US BACK. I desire in my own life to get so close to God, and I pray that is your desire as well. Desire to know Him better today than you did yesterday!!! 

Friday, May 17, 2013

another open post....

So today, I was slapped upside the head and reminded "HEY, I'M GOD!" lol sometimes we need that. We need to be reminded that God has it in His hands. That He will come through for us. We can trust that our worries or concerns and anxieties belong to Him. That we can give them to Him and rest in Him and trust Him fully! God has spoken things to you through times of prayer, maybe through someone, but God has spoken to your heart and you know that God has a plan for your life. Maybe its a big plan and you just don't know if YOU can do it. Well, you know what, you cannot do it by yourself. God has to be in it. You have to put your trust and faith in Him and keep going.
When life looks different and to the natural eye it doesn't look like anything is happening, keep hoping and trusting God. He spoke to you and gave you a purpose. He will complete that in you. There are a few verses that came to mind while I was writing.  "And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ." Phil 1:6
This verse was the first that came to mind. God is faithful! and He will complete that which He has ordained and that which He has planned. All He needs is a willing heart and He will work and help you complete that which He has called and planned! He has a plan we need to embrace it and run with God! 

The next verse  is a verse I added because in God's time He turns things around and makes them beautiful. Those hurts or pains that you once faced can be turned around and made beautiful in God's hands. I was reading 2 Corinthians 1 the other day and it talked about the trials we face God will help us through and also send those people into our lives to help us through and then when we get through God will send people who are going through that same thing, so that we in turn can help them through. The trials we faced yesterday can be turned into something beautiful when we are helping others get through it too! Yes, it might have been something hard, and something that you don't want to share, but God  has a way of bringing people into our lives who need help and who need to get through just like we did! 
He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end. Ecc 3:11

This next verse just continues on to say that God will work things out for the good of those who love Him and have been called according to His purpose. God wants to turn those pains into a gain for the kingdom of God. God wants to show His love to you by working things out in your life and turning around the hard times and making them a victory. Not all things that happen in life are good, but God wants to turn them around and make something good come out of it. If you are saying, "well I'm not called", I am telling you that you are! We are all called for a purpose. We all have a God-given purpose in this life to complete. Whether we choose to accept it, or even see a God given purpose,  is up to you, but you have a purpose that God has given for your life! God wants to move and work in you and through you! We all need to choose to be a willing vessel. 
 "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[a] have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28

I added this last verse here for a specific reason. To show that every life is a specific creation made by God and to cherish the life God gave you. You may not understand why you are here yet, but God has a purpose and plan. He loves you and wants you to know Him in a personal way. He wants you to know that He is God and we sometimes don't know what He is doing in our life, but He gave  you that life for a reason. I have always had a hard time with self-esteem. I have known God since I was little and it has only been in the last 5-7 years that I heard that thoughts have a lot to do with our lives and that we should see ourselves how God sees us. Do I still struggle from time to time, yes. I struggled hard with this a few years back. Thinking there was no point to my life, and that I had nothing to offer, and why should I be here. I went through a severe depression which no one really knew about (at least not that I know of). Being in ministry, you think that people expect you to have it all together, and that life is great and God is good. Well, God is always good, but life can get hard. I will be honest and admit that I did have suicidal thoughts. I am glad they never went far, but I didn't see my life as important and I didn't think that anyone would miss me. I was replaceable... those were the thoughts that the enemy placed in my head. I felt worthless. If you let the enemy plant seeds and let the enemy water them by dwelling on the negative, and dwelling on the lies, they will grow. This verse became real after that. God showed me that I was rejecting His creation: me, and my life. He reminded me that I had a purpose and that I have worth. God planted a new seed. I was His creation and I was His masterpiece  I needed to start seeing myself as received and not rejected. I needed to start seeing myself as God's created masterpiece and that it was GOOD! God then brought  me to the creation story where He said that the creation of life was "very good!" Do not reject your own life. God made you for a purpose and has a specific plan for your life. He wants to use you for His glory. He wants you to be His hands and feet in this world. Don't reject the gift of life that God has given you. You are precious and chances are God wants to do a breakthrough in your life and your one step away from it! Receive the life God gave you with thanksgiving and not with despair. You cannot be replaced and there is a bigger plan for your life than what you see! 
"For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving", 1 timothy 4:4
I have no idea why I added what I did at the bottom. I just felt like I should share it there. I never know who is reading and if it can help them, but I always pray that what I write on a certain day is led of the Spirit. I pray that through the words I write, God would be speaking through them, and that it sends hope and help to those who need it. I love you and so does God. Be blessed today!!!!

Thursday, May 16, 2013


Today I wanted to share a few things that I have gotten from others today that were just words or encouragement and just make you think!

"The devil is incapable of an original thought about you. His only ability is to see what God has pronounced over you... and bring the Opposite!"
This was a very thought provoking statement. He knows that God has a plan for your life and the enemy wants to try and stop that! He knows that whatever the call God has for you is powerful, and will turn hearts to God! that is the opposite of what the enemy wants in this world. He works hard when he know that God is calling and changing your heart. Stick close to God and stay in the Word, and fight off the enemy's attacks because what God has for you is so much better than you could ever imagine! Stick it out through those hard times of trials and God will bring you through and do wonderful things that you never thought you could or would be able to do without Him! 

"Where your mind goes, your mouth follows. Want to tame your tongue? Start putting truth & joy & LIFE into your mind first!"
What we say has so much power! But first those words are thoughts! We need to start thinking the right things so that our mouths with say the right things. If we are always thinking negatively about life, and about ourselves, our mouths will follow, and then after that, our actions soon after will follow. Keep your thought life pure and your words and actions will follow! God desires Holiness from us, and that starts in the mind and the thoughts that we think. Keep our minds on the things that are  "true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things." Philippians 4:8. 
God says and thinks good things about us, why cant we do the same??? 

"Meanwhile, the moment we get tired in the waiting, God's Spirit is right alongside helping us along. If we don't know how or what to pray, it doesn't matter. He does our praying in and for us, making prayer out of our wordless sighs and aching groans."
Romans 8:26 (MSG)
I found this verse this morning and it was just a verse that helped  me through times when I had no clue what to do, what to say, what to pray! I just feel I should add it here and maybe it will help someone... 
When life hits us hard, sometimes it just leaves us stunned. Sometimes life hits so hard that we just feel incapable of moving, of speaking, or doing anything but cry, or whatever... God is there through everything that we face. When we get tired and feel like we cant go on, we can lean on Him to get us through. When we don't now what to say, do or even pray, the Spirit is there and does the praying for us! Its an amazing verse because it says that the Spirit will make our wordless sighs, groanings, and cries into prayers!!! How amazing! The spirit is there helping us in every way when we just don't know what to do or how to get through! Be encouraged today if you are going through a hard time! The Spirit of God is there to help you even when you just cant make out words to pray! The Spirit is there making those wordless groanings into prayers on your behalf! 

I hope that this has helped or encouraged someone today! I pray that the words that I say (well, type lol) will reach someone and help, encourage and give hope, where hope may be lacking! God loves you and so do I! Be encouraged today!!!! 

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

talents in use

So I went to a meeting tonight. We are going through a book and the workbook for it: "If you want to walk on the water you have to get out of the boat". It is a great book and a great lesson to go through. I did my workbook today and got a lot out of it today. Then today at the meeting I got even more out of it. We were going over the story of the talents. It is a great story to go over and I have really seen things in it this time that I have not before and then things that I realized about myself through this study.
When talking about the gifts and talents that God has given you, do you appreciate and use them? Do you realize that you have these precious gifts that God wants you to use to help win souls into the Kingdom of God? When thinking about these things, I have to say, that I have been one to think that I am talent-less, and have very little to offer. I am not a very eloquent speaker (God has been using me in this area and I have gotten a bit more comfortable, a bit.... lol) but know that God wants to use my voice and what I have to say, I am not a very gifted person in many ways.... I lack.... If someone asks the question "what are your gifts God has given you?" I usually try to hide, because I just don't know how to answer. I just feel like i am mediocre .My husband, now he is talented and gifted in a lot of different areas, and I always ask him, "isn't there something your not good at?" Kind of joking and... well... kind of not. lol So the point I am trying to  make is some people are more visibly "gifted" than others, but those who are not gifted in these large areas, have other areas in which they are great at in which might be more behind the scenes but just as important to the kingdom of God. Also at times when you think  you are talent-less and have nothing to offer, you have to think 'have I asked God what HE wants to use me in?' Have I sought the face of God and ask Him to reveal where my talents are and how HE wants to use me in all this? Are we measuring what we have to another? We are all talented, but when comparing talents and gifts from God, we can be misled since God has a specific purpose in store for YOU. God gives us what we need for what His plan and purpose is for our lives!
Are you being a good steward of  your gifts? This question hit home. I have been trying to step out more in the things that I know of, and God is faithful and uses what I say and touches someone. That is all there is to it. Just be obedient to the things God has set up and the talents He has given you. He will use your willingness!!!! Many times we don't step out and use what God has given because of fear! Fear can stop us in our tracks if we let it! Fear that we will fail or just be wrong is one too and I know I struggle with this one... But with God's  help I will keep taking those steps to getting out of the boat of comfort.I know that I am not the only who struggles with this. We all have our comforts that we want to hold on to. But we need to start using these precious gifts that God gave us and be more aware of how Gods wants to use us. We may know some areas that God is trying to use us in, but what about that talent that you put on the burner way back when you were a kid, or maybe your older and gave up on a dream or talent. God wants to bring that back up and use that through you so that others may come to know God. And if  you were like me and think you have nothing to offer, and think you are talent-less  then start seeking the face of God. He has given us all something to do for Him. He has given us all something that we can do. You are not useless or talent-less !! Seek Him and He will open up your eyes to what He has in store for you.
Why am I saying all this? Well, God really showed me something in this story tonight. While sitting there studying with the rest, God really opened my eyes. The talents are the things that God gave us to use to bring people into the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Think about the story and how the first two men went out used what God gave them and multiplied what they had. They used their talents and that multiplication is the people that they won to God through that talent that was given to them. Now think about the last man. He was given talents too, but did he go out and multiply it? No. He didn't use what was given to him and there was nothing to show for His life. God showed me that if we don't use what He gave us there could be many who are missing out on knowing God because we were not obedient to use that gift from Him. This hit hard. I know that God has given me gifts. I need to start seeking Him for what they are and how and when He wants me to use them. I  have put aside those things for a while. I felt I had to having my family and trying to raise them. I know that God wants me to use what is given to me because it will draw people to Him! I am very eager to seek God and ask Him what talents I am not seeing in my life or maybe not recognizing as talents. I want to be a light to the lost and help to those in need. I just want to be used by God, but that's not going to happen if I haven't been using those gifts USE THEM! You don't know who you can reach by just being willing, obedient and faithful with what God has given you! If you don't think you are very talented, talk to God, start asking and seeking and I know that He will answer and open your eyes to purpose and things that God wants to use in you!!

Monday, May 13, 2013


Sometimes ...
Ugh I hate feeling overwhelmed and attacked and can't do anything. I pray and seek an answer and I just feel heavy. Sometimes the things that God want you to accomplish or get through are not easy and sometimes on the way there satan tries to pull on you in the ways that he know are effective. Even when things are going great the enemy wants to try and negate that and drag us down. So I am being open and real about this right now. Sometimes we just go through something and we just have to get through it and keep pushing onward and upward to the call God has for us. It's not an easy road but it is rewarding. We see all that's ahead and all that's behind... Learned a lot. But God is faithful and will see me through it all. I am ready for more from God and wait till that day.,, it's coming. Pray for me if you think about it. I know it's just the enemy who doesn't want what is to come but will get through!
"Don’t fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God’s wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It’s wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life." Philippians 4


So I will probably write two posts today. I want to write again about the name of God I was reading about today,but I will do that in a bit.
I wanted to write about something that we all as Christians have to deal with. We are here on Earth and we are fighting not against other people (although that is what it seems like at times) but against an enemy who would love to kill and destroy! The word says that he is like a lion searching who he can destroy. Satan will try and kill us and bring us down anyway that he can. I think that if you can do more damage to satan's cause, then you will be attacked more. I feel that way because we were facing many things and were so close to giving up that satan must have been having a party! But then GOD! stepped in and flipped it all around all for His glory. I have to say that God has done an amazing work in our lives. We are so happy with where God has brought us. From time to time, I have to say, that satan does try and invade and tries to say things that I know are not true. Is it hard to not listen? It can be. But as the word says:

1 Corinthians 10:13

The Message (MSG)
13 No test or temptation that comes your way is beyond the course of what others have had to face. All you need to remember is that God will never let you down; he’ll never let you be pushed past your limit; he’ll always be there to help you come through it.

Everyone have faced many trials and many hard attacks, and many have been through the exact same thing you have been through. The history of mankind is full of temptations and people either falling into it, or rising above it. No man (other than Jesus Christ) is perfect. No man can get through life sinless, but it is what we learn from what we go through and how we get up after we fall that matters. We can either stay down, go lower, or with God's help rise above, learn and go forward helping others around us. This verse above also says that God will be faithful and wont let us down. He will help us through the temptation and we wont be tempted past what we can handle. The things is: we need to make a choice not to give it! It says we wont be pushed past the limit we can handle, but then why do people fall? because we all have a choice! We can choose to keep pushing through or we can choose to give into the temptation. God will still be there loving us no matter what we do, but there still might be consequences for the actions that we do choose. God will forgive us, He will bring us back into communion with Him, but there will be consequences. If we choose to jump out of a moving vehicle, God will be with us, but there is a great chance we will get hurt, right? Well, its the same with other choices. If we choose to fall into drug, God will forgive us, but we might have health issues that come from doing drugs. The thing is when we do fall, we also have to be willing to ask forgiveness. We can slip up and not ask forgiveness and just say, "I'm human, it happens", but then that can lead to a more falls into sin and bigger falls... if we think that the things that we slip into are just small little things, we can start explaining away bigger and bigger things that happen. When we start thinking that holiness isn't something that we need to be because we are "just human", we start to get sucked into satan's plan to bring us down. The little becomes bigger, until we are trapped. So we do have to try and live a holy life so that we don't get sucked into that whirlpool effect of sin. Thoughts and our minds play a huge roll in our lives and in this battle. We can either allow our thoughts to be turned to " whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things."  Philippians 4:8.

We need to choose and make a conscience choice to think about what God wants us to think about. It isn't always easy but we must make this choice. It is easier to overcome temptation if our thoughts are lined up with God's word, and His thoughts for our lives. It is a great study to search the Bible for what God says about our thoughts. I might get into more of that another time, but get into it yourself! You will find so much about what the word says about this subject. I think the one sermon in college I remember the most was the one about our mind being a battlefield, and over time I found this to be true! We must keep our thoughts and hearts holy and pure before God so that we wont fall into temptation.
How do we keep our minds on what is good and holy? Well, by filling it with GOOD! Or by filling it with the WORD OF GOD! and keeping the word there! Our daily devotionals, and our daily prayer time is key to this! It isn't just something that we should do because our pastors say to, but because it is our daily bread for our daily spiritual upkeep! Just like we need food to live and keep going physically, the word of God is our spiritual food for our daily life to keep spiritually strong!
I thank the Lord for all that He is, and has been doing. God is good, and I know He has great plans for my life. I know that the enemy would love to try and bring me down in any way possible, and I know that i have to keep my life and thoughts holy for God! Keep praying and keep reading the word, for it is life and health!!! I will leave you with this verse:

Romans 12:2 

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

The story turned around for His glory!

All praise to the God and Father of our Master, Jesus the Messiah! Father of all mercy! God of all healing counsel! He comes alongside us when we go through hard times, and before you know it, he brings us alongside someone else who is going through hard times so that we can be there for that person just as God was there for us. We have plenty of hard times that come from following the Messiah, but no more so than the good times of his healing comfort—we get a full measure of that, too. When we suffer for Jesus, it works out for your healing and salvation. If we are treated well, given a helping hand and encouraging word, that also works to your benefit, spurring you on, face forward, unflinching. Your hard times are also our hard times. When we see that you're just as willing to endure the hard times as to enjoy the good times, we know you're going to make it, no doubt about it. We don't want you in the dark, friends, about how hard it was when all this came down on us in Asia province. It was so bad we didn't think we were going to make it. We felt like we'd been sent to death row, that it was all over for us. As it turned out, it was the best thing that could have happened. Instead of trusting in our own strength or wits to get out of it, we were forced to trust God totally—not a bad idea since he's the God who raises the dead! And he did it, rescued us from certain doom. And he'll do it again, rescuing us as many times as we need rescuing. You and your prayers are part of the rescue operation—I don't want you in the dark about that either. I can see your faces even now, lifted in praise for God's deliverance of us, a rescue in which your prayers played such a crucial part. Now that the worst is over, we're pleased we can report that we've come out of this with conscience and faith intact, and can face the world—and even more importantly, face you with our heads held high. But it wasn't by any fancy footwork on our part. It was God who kept us focused on him, uncompromised. Don't try to read between the lines or look for hidden meanings in this letter. We're writing plain, unembellished truth, hoping that you'll now see the whole picture as well as you've seen some of the details. We want you to be as proud of us as we are of you when we stand together before our Master Jesus. (2 Corinthians 1:3-14 MSG)

As I was reading this portion it all stood out to me as "I've been there!" Honestly there is no new thing. Someone has been through what you went through!!! And while it might not have been God plan for you to go through that real hard event in your life, He can bring the people into your life who have "been there" and help get you through! And then after that God brings people along side you who are going through the same things you just went through so that what you learned you can share! I know that we have seem some hard times. It felt at time (like what was said in portion above) that we were not going to make it, there were times where I saw the worst and didn't think it was even possible to make it out alive (literally) but God picked us up and took our hands and brought us safely to the other side. He sent an amazing man an woman of God who were there and went through it to help us and encourage us through the storm! It wasn't easy but we made it and all glory to God because it wasn't us! It was nothing we did but everything He choose to do!
The things we went through totally made us trust in God. We were stripped of everything and had to rely on God to get us through! After going through all we did we know that God will and can bring us through everything! And we know that God will bring people in our lives who are going through the same things we did. God wants to use our story to help and love people into the kingdom of God! I see how God is going to turn it all around and make it into something good! As my pastor says, "not all things that happen in our lives is good, but God can turn it around and make it good for His glory!!!! I am ready to be used in a new way. I know that we have a special gift and story to share! God I am ready to be used by you!!!!

Thursday, May 9, 2013


I decided to restudy the names of God. I had to study them for Bible college, and sometimes you just learn in for the class and it doesn't go deeper. I have grown in my relationship with God and I have this strong desire to really learn and take to heart the names of God. There is something about really taking to heart the names of God because they all have amazing meanings and they all can cut deep to the heart and penetrate in a different way! The original Hebrew names of God really had deep meaning and were so precious that they couldn't even say some! That is the kind of awe and amazement that I have been feeling towards what God is doing! It has been amazing how God has been working and moving and we are ready for all He has! I want a deeper relationship with God and I want to know Him even more and on a deep and personal level! So i might add in a bit of what I find here as well. It is amazing what you find and how deep you can get with God just through study and learning and by going back to the roots!
The word Yahweh or YHWH is an awesome term and one that they did not say because they did not want to be blasphemous to the name of God. I find that amazing.... why? Well, we are so casual with the term or name that we have given. We say 'god' so informal, and we say it in ways that we shouldn't. Today it is nothing for people to use the word in a way that isn't giving praise, but is more taking it in vain. "OMG" is used by everyone even by those who don't believe. It is just a common term in the world today. I have never used it this way and if I did I felt horrible. I really have tried to use it in relation to my God whom  I love. I love that they didn't even want to say it if it might be in a way that they shouldn't. They pronounce it Yahweh which might not even be how they would, but was a way they could say His name. I love this too because God is holy, and I know that we have full access to God now, but we serve a holy God and should be treated with respect and honor. There should be words we use and names we use that express our love and adoration and respect and honor. Instead of using this term usually said 'Adonai' instead which means My lord. Yahweh means He is or I am. Its an amazing thing to think on and dwell on. "HE IS". Or when God spoke about Him self "I am ". I am that I am.... What an amazing statement. He is. God is.... He is the un-created creator. He was and is and is to come, He has no beginning, He has no end. He has always been.... He is.... Yahweh...Exodus 6:2-3 is such an interesting portion. God showed himself as the almighty God, but it not yet as YHWH.   " And God spoke to Moses and said to him: “I am the LORD. 3 I appeared to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, as God Almighty, but by My name LORD I was not known to them." Had to add that in I found this scripture and understood it in a totally new way. I love when God shows you new things in the Bible. No matter how many times you have read the Bible, and no matter how much you think you know the word, God will always show you new things.
I want a closer, deeper and more real relationship with God. I desire more of Him and more understanding of Him. I don't just want the knowledge I want the understanding as well. I want that closeness with Him. I desire those sweet moments with God where HE just shows up in a real way. I encourage you to dig in the Word and learn something new about God today. Let Him be your guide and teacher! Ask Him what He wants to show you!!! Yahweh. He is!

Genesis 3:14 God said to Moses, “I am who I am.”[a] And he said, “Say this to the people of Israel, I am has sent me to you.’” 15 God also said to Moses, “Say this to the people of Israel, ‘The Lord,[b] the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you.’ This is my name forever, and thus I am to be remembered throughout all generations.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

blessed life of faith!

Sharing today about how good God is. I am in awe of how God is working and moving. God has been just taking my breath away and leaving me speechless. It is hard to express in words everything that I am feeling and everything that God has been doing and speaking! 
We know that God has called us and it is amazing how God is just putting everything in place. I am blown away at the things that have been happening, and I continually praise Him for just choosing to use me. It has always been my desire to be used by God. I have always loved God and God has taught me so many things through out the years. There was a song that came out a while back that I will put the link to at the bottom, but it speaks about desire, and says "My desire to be  used by You!" Its a beautiful song, and has been my prayer. What ever my life has in store, I just want to be obedient to God and His call, what ever He has in store for me, I will be obedient. 
Lately God has been speaking in amazing ways. I am in awe of all that He has done, and even just some concerns that have come up, He has calmed all fear  or worry. God is just amazing! I know that what ever He has in store for us He will make it come to pass and we will walk in the path that He is and has set up for us! 
We will continue to rest in Him and His will as He unfolds it. There is no other place that I would rather be than in the center of His will! I am standing in faith and relying on God and that is an amazing thing. I am still just blow away by Him and what He is doing. I will share more as I feel led to, but I am just taken back by the mighty God and what He is doing. "He who began a good work is faithful to complete it!" Praise God for all He is doing. It has nothing to do with me but all to do with Him. He has a plan for all of our lives, seek Him and you will find Him and His will. It is amazing to live this life of faith. I titled my blog "Blessed beyond imagination" and it is so true. If we choose to follow Him and all He has for our lives we will find that we are blessed. We might not have tons of money, we might not have everything the world has to offer, but we have so much more than that. We have the love of our heavenly Father, a hope, and a calling, and that is far more than the world would have to ever offer! We live a 'blessed life of faith' and it is an amazing life following after God fully!!!!

Deuteronomy 3:24 "O Sovereign LORD, you have begun to show to your servant your greatness and your strong hand. For what god is there in heaven or on earth who can do the deeds and mighty works you do?

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Monday, May 6, 2013

A new thing.

Isaiah 43:19. "For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it?
I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland."
I love this verse and honestly it usually is brought back to my mind around the time God is doing something new! It is always exciting to see what God is doing and how He desires to use us! I am so excited that God has been doing great an wonderful things in our lives and in the ministry that He has for us.
This new thing that God is doing right now is leading us to a new place in ministry. A new season of serving God! My hubby has been asked numerous times to preach at other churches and other countries. Right now God is opening the doors so that we can do that and it's really exciting! Ryan will be heading to Venezuela to preach at a country wide youth camp and also doing a workshop for college age students who want to step into ministry. Then he is heading to Colombia to be at a pastors conference with our pastor and his wife. We know this is just the beginning of doors being opened and reaching the world with the saving knowledge and love of Christ!! And also raising up leaders who will also reach the world for God! God is so amazing! I look forward to updating everyone as we move into this area. We will just be obedient to God and His calling on our lives! God is amazing and He chooses to use the willing. Open your heart and say yes to what God has for you. You won't regret it. Be blessed