Friday, May 17, 2013

another open post....

So today, I was slapped upside the head and reminded "HEY, I'M GOD!" lol sometimes we need that. We need to be reminded that God has it in His hands. That He will come through for us. We can trust that our worries or concerns and anxieties belong to Him. That we can give them to Him and rest in Him and trust Him fully! God has spoken things to you through times of prayer, maybe through someone, but God has spoken to your heart and you know that God has a plan for your life. Maybe its a big plan and you just don't know if YOU can do it. Well, you know what, you cannot do it by yourself. God has to be in it. You have to put your trust and faith in Him and keep going.
When life looks different and to the natural eye it doesn't look like anything is happening, keep hoping and trusting God. He spoke to you and gave you a purpose. He will complete that in you. There are a few verses that came to mind while I was writing.  "And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ." Phil 1:6
This verse was the first that came to mind. God is faithful! and He will complete that which He has ordained and that which He has planned. All He needs is a willing heart and He will work and help you complete that which He has called and planned! He has a plan we need to embrace it and run with God! 

The next verse  is a verse I added because in God's time He turns things around and makes them beautiful. Those hurts or pains that you once faced can be turned around and made beautiful in God's hands. I was reading 2 Corinthians 1 the other day and it talked about the trials we face God will help us through and also send those people into our lives to help us through and then when we get through God will send people who are going through that same thing, so that we in turn can help them through. The trials we faced yesterday can be turned into something beautiful when we are helping others get through it too! Yes, it might have been something hard, and something that you don't want to share, but God  has a way of bringing people into our lives who need help and who need to get through just like we did! 
He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end. Ecc 3:11

This next verse just continues on to say that God will work things out for the good of those who love Him and have been called according to His purpose. God wants to turn those pains into a gain for the kingdom of God. God wants to show His love to you by working things out in your life and turning around the hard times and making them a victory. Not all things that happen in life are good, but God wants to turn them around and make something good come out of it. If you are saying, "well I'm not called", I am telling you that you are! We are all called for a purpose. We all have a God-given purpose in this life to complete. Whether we choose to accept it, or even see a God given purpose,  is up to you, but you have a purpose that God has given for your life! God wants to move and work in you and through you! We all need to choose to be a willing vessel. 
 "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[a] have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28

I added this last verse here for a specific reason. To show that every life is a specific creation made by God and to cherish the life God gave you. You may not understand why you are here yet, but God has a purpose and plan. He loves you and wants you to know Him in a personal way. He wants you to know that He is God and we sometimes don't know what He is doing in our life, but He gave  you that life for a reason. I have always had a hard time with self-esteem. I have known God since I was little and it has only been in the last 5-7 years that I heard that thoughts have a lot to do with our lives and that we should see ourselves how God sees us. Do I still struggle from time to time, yes. I struggled hard with this a few years back. Thinking there was no point to my life, and that I had nothing to offer, and why should I be here. I went through a severe depression which no one really knew about (at least not that I know of). Being in ministry, you think that people expect you to have it all together, and that life is great and God is good. Well, God is always good, but life can get hard. I will be honest and admit that I did have suicidal thoughts. I am glad they never went far, but I didn't see my life as important and I didn't think that anyone would miss me. I was replaceable... those were the thoughts that the enemy placed in my head. I felt worthless. If you let the enemy plant seeds and let the enemy water them by dwelling on the negative, and dwelling on the lies, they will grow. This verse became real after that. God showed me that I was rejecting His creation: me, and my life. He reminded me that I had a purpose and that I have worth. God planted a new seed. I was His creation and I was His masterpiece  I needed to start seeing myself as received and not rejected. I needed to start seeing myself as God's created masterpiece and that it was GOOD! God then brought  me to the creation story where He said that the creation of life was "very good!" Do not reject your own life. God made you for a purpose and has a specific plan for your life. He wants to use you for His glory. He wants you to be His hands and feet in this world. Don't reject the gift of life that God has given you. You are precious and chances are God wants to do a breakthrough in your life and your one step away from it! Receive the life God gave you with thanksgiving and not with despair. You cannot be replaced and there is a bigger plan for your life than what you see! 
"For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving", 1 timothy 4:4
I have no idea why I added what I did at the bottom. I just felt like I should share it there. I never know who is reading and if it can help them, but I always pray that what I write on a certain day is led of the Spirit. I pray that through the words I write, God would be speaking through them, and that it sends hope and help to those who need it. I love you and so does God. Be blessed today!!!!

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