Monday, May 13, 2013


So I will probably write two posts today. I want to write again about the name of God I was reading about today,but I will do that in a bit.
I wanted to write about something that we all as Christians have to deal with. We are here on Earth and we are fighting not against other people (although that is what it seems like at times) but against an enemy who would love to kill and destroy! The word says that he is like a lion searching who he can destroy. Satan will try and kill us and bring us down anyway that he can. I think that if you can do more damage to satan's cause, then you will be attacked more. I feel that way because we were facing many things and were so close to giving up that satan must have been having a party! But then GOD! stepped in and flipped it all around all for His glory. I have to say that God has done an amazing work in our lives. We are so happy with where God has brought us. From time to time, I have to say, that satan does try and invade and tries to say things that I know are not true. Is it hard to not listen? It can be. But as the word says:

1 Corinthians 10:13

The Message (MSG)
13 No test or temptation that comes your way is beyond the course of what others have had to face. All you need to remember is that God will never let you down; he’ll never let you be pushed past your limit; he’ll always be there to help you come through it.

Everyone have faced many trials and many hard attacks, and many have been through the exact same thing you have been through. The history of mankind is full of temptations and people either falling into it, or rising above it. No man (other than Jesus Christ) is perfect. No man can get through life sinless, but it is what we learn from what we go through and how we get up after we fall that matters. We can either stay down, go lower, or with God's help rise above, learn and go forward helping others around us. This verse above also says that God will be faithful and wont let us down. He will help us through the temptation and we wont be tempted past what we can handle. The things is: we need to make a choice not to give it! It says we wont be pushed past the limit we can handle, but then why do people fall? because we all have a choice! We can choose to keep pushing through or we can choose to give into the temptation. God will still be there loving us no matter what we do, but there still might be consequences for the actions that we do choose. God will forgive us, He will bring us back into communion with Him, but there will be consequences. If we choose to jump out of a moving vehicle, God will be with us, but there is a great chance we will get hurt, right? Well, its the same with other choices. If we choose to fall into drug, God will forgive us, but we might have health issues that come from doing drugs. The thing is when we do fall, we also have to be willing to ask forgiveness. We can slip up and not ask forgiveness and just say, "I'm human, it happens", but then that can lead to a more falls into sin and bigger falls... if we think that the things that we slip into are just small little things, we can start explaining away bigger and bigger things that happen. When we start thinking that holiness isn't something that we need to be because we are "just human", we start to get sucked into satan's plan to bring us down. The little becomes bigger, until we are trapped. So we do have to try and live a holy life so that we don't get sucked into that whirlpool effect of sin. Thoughts and our minds play a huge roll in our lives and in this battle. We can either allow our thoughts to be turned to " whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things."  Philippians 4:8.

We need to choose and make a conscience choice to think about what God wants us to think about. It isn't always easy but we must make this choice. It is easier to overcome temptation if our thoughts are lined up with God's word, and His thoughts for our lives. It is a great study to search the Bible for what God says about our thoughts. I might get into more of that another time, but get into it yourself! You will find so much about what the word says about this subject. I think the one sermon in college I remember the most was the one about our mind being a battlefield, and over time I found this to be true! We must keep our thoughts and hearts holy and pure before God so that we wont fall into temptation.
How do we keep our minds on what is good and holy? Well, by filling it with GOOD! Or by filling it with the WORD OF GOD! and keeping the word there! Our daily devotionals, and our daily prayer time is key to this! It isn't just something that we should do because our pastors say to, but because it is our daily bread for our daily spiritual upkeep! Just like we need food to live and keep going physically, the word of God is our spiritual food for our daily life to keep spiritually strong!
I thank the Lord for all that He is, and has been doing. God is good, and I know He has great plans for my life. I know that the enemy would love to try and bring me down in any way possible, and I know that i have to keep my life and thoughts holy for God! Keep praying and keep reading the word, for it is life and health!!! I will leave you with this verse:

Romans 12:2 

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

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