Tuesday, May 14, 2013

talents in use

So I went to a meeting tonight. We are going through a book and the workbook for it: "If you want to walk on the water you have to get out of the boat". It is a great book and a great lesson to go through. I did my workbook today and got a lot out of it today. Then today at the meeting I got even more out of it. We were going over the story of the talents. It is a great story to go over and I have really seen things in it this time that I have not before and then things that I realized about myself through this study.
When talking about the gifts and talents that God has given you, do you appreciate and use them? Do you realize that you have these precious gifts that God wants you to use to help win souls into the Kingdom of God? When thinking about these things, I have to say, that I have been one to think that I am talent-less, and have very little to offer. I am not a very eloquent speaker (God has been using me in this area and I have gotten a bit more comfortable, a bit.... lol) but know that God wants to use my voice and what I have to say, I am not a very gifted person in many ways.... I lack.... If someone asks the question "what are your gifts God has given you?" I usually try to hide, because I just don't know how to answer. I just feel like i am mediocre .My husband, now he is talented and gifted in a lot of different areas, and I always ask him, "isn't there something your not good at?" Kind of joking and... well... kind of not. lol So the point I am trying to  make is some people are more visibly "gifted" than others, but those who are not gifted in these large areas, have other areas in which they are great at in which might be more behind the scenes but just as important to the kingdom of God. Also at times when you think  you are talent-less and have nothing to offer, you have to think 'have I asked God what HE wants to use me in?' Have I sought the face of God and ask Him to reveal where my talents are and how HE wants to use me in all this? Are we measuring what we have to another? We are all talented, but when comparing talents and gifts from God, we can be misled since God has a specific purpose in store for YOU. God gives us what we need for what His plan and purpose is for our lives!
Are you being a good steward of  your gifts? This question hit home. I have been trying to step out more in the things that I know of, and God is faithful and uses what I say and touches someone. That is all there is to it. Just be obedient to the things God has set up and the talents He has given you. He will use your willingness!!!! Many times we don't step out and use what God has given because of fear! Fear can stop us in our tracks if we let it! Fear that we will fail or just be wrong is one too and I know I struggle with this one... But with God's  help I will keep taking those steps to getting out of the boat of comfort.I know that I am not the only who struggles with this. We all have our comforts that we want to hold on to. But we need to start using these precious gifts that God gave us and be more aware of how Gods wants to use us. We may know some areas that God is trying to use us in, but what about that talent that you put on the burner way back when you were a kid, or maybe your older and gave up on a dream or talent. God wants to bring that back up and use that through you so that others may come to know God. And if  you were like me and think you have nothing to offer, and think you are talent-less  then start seeking the face of God. He has given us all something to do for Him. He has given us all something that we can do. You are not useless or talent-less !! Seek Him and He will open up your eyes to what He has in store for you.
Why am I saying all this? Well, God really showed me something in this story tonight. While sitting there studying with the rest, God really opened my eyes. The talents are the things that God gave us to use to bring people into the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Think about the story and how the first two men went out used what God gave them and multiplied what they had. They used their talents and that multiplication is the people that they won to God through that talent that was given to them. Now think about the last man. He was given talents too, but did he go out and multiply it? No. He didn't use what was given to him and there was nothing to show for His life. God showed me that if we don't use what He gave us there could be many who are missing out on knowing God because we were not obedient to use that gift from Him. This hit hard. I know that God has given me gifts. I need to start seeking Him for what they are and how and when He wants me to use them. I  have put aside those things for a while. I felt I had to having my family and trying to raise them. I know that God wants me to use what is given to me because it will draw people to Him! I am very eager to seek God and ask Him what talents I am not seeing in my life or maybe not recognizing as talents. I want to be a light to the lost and help to those in need. I just want to be used by God, but that's not going to happen if I haven't been using those gifts USE THEM! You don't know who you can reach by just being willing, obedient and faithful with what God has given you! If you don't think you are very talented, talk to God, start asking and seeking and I know that He will answer and open your eyes to purpose and things that God wants to use in you!!

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