Tuesday, May 7, 2013

blessed life of faith!

Sharing today about how good God is. I am in awe of how God is working and moving. God has been just taking my breath away and leaving me speechless. It is hard to express in words everything that I am feeling and everything that God has been doing and speaking! 
We know that God has called us and it is amazing how God is just putting everything in place. I am blown away at the things that have been happening, and I continually praise Him for just choosing to use me. It has always been my desire to be used by God. I have always loved God and God has taught me so many things through out the years. There was a song that came out a while back that I will put the link to at the bottom, but it speaks about desire, and says "My desire to be  used by You!" Its a beautiful song, and has been my prayer. What ever my life has in store, I just want to be obedient to God and His call, what ever He has in store for me, I will be obedient. 
Lately God has been speaking in amazing ways. I am in awe of all that He has done, and even just some concerns that have come up, He has calmed all fear  or worry. God is just amazing! I know that what ever He has in store for us He will make it come to pass and we will walk in the path that He is and has set up for us! 
We will continue to rest in Him and His will as He unfolds it. There is no other place that I would rather be than in the center of His will! I am standing in faith and relying on God and that is an amazing thing. I am still just blow away by Him and what He is doing. I will share more as I feel led to, but I am just taken back by the mighty God and what He is doing. "He who began a good work is faithful to complete it!" Praise God for all He is doing. It has nothing to do with me but all to do with Him. He has a plan for all of our lives, seek Him and you will find Him and His will. It is amazing to live this life of faith. I titled my blog "Blessed beyond imagination" and it is so true. If we choose to follow Him and all He has for our lives we will find that we are blessed. We might not have tons of money, we might not have everything the world has to offer, but we have so much more than that. We have the love of our heavenly Father, a hope, and a calling, and that is far more than the world would have to ever offer! We live a 'blessed life of faith' and it is an amazing life following after God fully!!!!

Deuteronomy 3:24 "O Sovereign LORD, you have begun to show to your servant your greatness and your strong hand. For what god is there in heaven or on earth who can do the deeds and mighty works you do?


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/W777s4HuHOI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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