Thursday, May 16, 2013


Today I wanted to share a few things that I have gotten from others today that were just words or encouragement and just make you think!

"The devil is incapable of an original thought about you. His only ability is to see what God has pronounced over you... and bring the Opposite!"
This was a very thought provoking statement. He knows that God has a plan for your life and the enemy wants to try and stop that! He knows that whatever the call God has for you is powerful, and will turn hearts to God! that is the opposite of what the enemy wants in this world. He works hard when he know that God is calling and changing your heart. Stick close to God and stay in the Word, and fight off the enemy's attacks because what God has for you is so much better than you could ever imagine! Stick it out through those hard times of trials and God will bring you through and do wonderful things that you never thought you could or would be able to do without Him! 

"Where your mind goes, your mouth follows. Want to tame your tongue? Start putting truth & joy & LIFE into your mind first!"
What we say has so much power! But first those words are thoughts! We need to start thinking the right things so that our mouths with say the right things. If we are always thinking negatively about life, and about ourselves, our mouths will follow, and then after that, our actions soon after will follow. Keep your thought life pure and your words and actions will follow! God desires Holiness from us, and that starts in the mind and the thoughts that we think. Keep our minds on the things that are  "true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things." Philippians 4:8. 
God says and thinks good things about us, why cant we do the same??? 

"Meanwhile, the moment we get tired in the waiting, God's Spirit is right alongside helping us along. If we don't know how or what to pray, it doesn't matter. He does our praying in and for us, making prayer out of our wordless sighs and aching groans."
Romans 8:26 (MSG)
I found this verse this morning and it was just a verse that helped  me through times when I had no clue what to do, what to say, what to pray! I just feel I should add it here and maybe it will help someone... 
When life hits us hard, sometimes it just leaves us stunned. Sometimes life hits so hard that we just feel incapable of moving, of speaking, or doing anything but cry, or whatever... God is there through everything that we face. When we get tired and feel like we cant go on, we can lean on Him to get us through. When we don't now what to say, do or even pray, the Spirit is there and does the praying for us! Its an amazing verse because it says that the Spirit will make our wordless sighs, groanings, and cries into prayers!!! How amazing! The spirit is there helping us in every way when we just don't know what to do or how to get through! Be encouraged today if you are going through a hard time! The Spirit of God is there to help you even when you just cant make out words to pray! The Spirit is there making those wordless groanings into prayers on your behalf! 

I hope that this has helped or encouraged someone today! I pray that the words that I say (well, type lol) will reach someone and help, encourage and give hope, where hope may be lacking! God loves you and so do I! Be encouraged today!!!! 

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